Standing Committees of Graduate Council
It shall consist of at least seven elected faculty members and one elected graduate student member of Graduate Council. The Dean, Senior Associate Dean, Associate Dean, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services, and Director of Graduate Council Administration of the Graduate School shall be ex officio members of this committee.
It shall be responsible for standards of quality of graduate programs and research and is authorized to select Subcommittees as needed for the following activities:
- Admissions: Studies admission and evaluation techniques and recommends to the Graduate Council standards and policies for the admission of students.
- Degree Requirements: Recommends standards and policies for degree requirements and assessment, registration, and satisfactory academic progress of students.
- Membership of the Graduate Faculty: Recommends criteria for membership in the Graduate Faculty.
- Theses and Dissertations: Considers general policy, objectives, standards, regulations, procedures, and requirements relating to theses and dissertations.
- Consider a more flexible approach to prescribing which graduate applicants must take an English proficiency exam.
- GCAC-305 Admission Requirements for International Students. Date of Last Review: 2020.
- Start a comprehensive policy review that: i) minimizes administrative burden, especially on programs, lending trust to programs as a first assumption but including verification measures when needed (trust but verify); ii) eliminates redundancy with Senate policies; iii) makes the policy/procedure split in GC policies more uniform.
- Review the group of policies on the Research Master’s degree:
- Policies:
- GCAC-630 Admission – Research Master’s. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-631 Degree Requirements – Research Master’s. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-632 Time Limitation – Research Master’s. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-641 Minor – Research Master’s. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-642 Culminating Experience – Research Master’s. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- Policies:
- Consider revising GCAC-501 Credit Load to remove references to full-time status, as this is set at the University level.
- Policy: GCAC-501 Credit Load. Date of Last Review: 2019.
- Consider policy revisions to alter the term “regionally accredited” in response to a change in federal accreditation policy.
- Policies:
- GCAC-212 Postbaccalaureate Credit Certificate Programs. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-301 Qualifications for Admission. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-304 Nondegree Admission. Date of Last Review: 2016.
- GCAC-305 Admission Requirements for International Students. Date of Last Review: 2020.
- GCAC-309 Transfer Credit. Date of Last Review: 2010.
- Policies:
- Consider a change to admission policies concerning admission of applicants with 3-year international degrees.
- Policies:
- GCAC-301 Qualifications for Admission. Date of Last Review: Unknown.
- GCAC-305 Admission Requirements for International Students. Date of Last Review: 2020.
- Policies:
- Consider a more flexible approach to prescribing which graduate applicants must take an English proficiency exam.
No items beyond normal committee assignment tasks anticipated.
It shall consist of six elected Graduate Council faculty members, plus one graduate student representing the Graduate and Professional Student Association. One-half of the membership normally shall be elected each year. The Immediate Past Chair and the Dean, Senior Associate Dean, and Director of Graduate Council Administration of the Graduate School shall be ex officio members of this committee.
By the Graduate Council. All elected Graduate Council faculty members who have at least two years left in their terms will be on the ballot, unless they request to be removed. The Council will elect the Committee members electronically by secure and secret ballot. The three candidates who receive the largest number of votes are elected to the committee. The candidate with the fourth largest number of votes will serve as an alternate and will take over for any of the three committee members elected that year if they cannot complete their term. In the event of a tie, the results of the election shall be determined by drawing lots among the tied candidates.
- It shall recommend appointment of members of all other Standing Committees. To the extent possible, it shall take the following criteria into account:
- Member preferences and availability;
- Continuity of committee membership; and
- Diversity of perspectives, including but not limited to discipline, college, and faculty rank.
- It shall assist the Chair in the appointment of Ad Hoc Committees if requested.
- It shall elect its own presiding officer. The chair must be elected after June 1 (when committee terms begin) and before the September meeting of Graduate Council.
- It shall periodically review these Articles, Bylaws, and Standing Rules and recommend changes as necessary.
- It shall recommend appointment of members of all other Standing Committees. To the extent possible, it shall take the following criteria into account:
It shall consist of one Graduate Faculty representative from each academic college and school of the University that offers graduate programs, appointed by the dean or unit executive. The Director of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration is an ex officio member of this committee.
It shall consider policies on awards; examine and judge applications for Graduate School fellowships; and make recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School for awards.
As an implementation committee, this committee typically does not receive additional charges beyond its usual workload.
It shall consist of at least four elected faculty members of Graduate Council. Additional participants may be invited to attend based on their expertise. The Associate Dean for Graduate Student Affairs is an ex officio member of this Committee.
This committee helps to implement the annual Graduate Exhibition and makes recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School concerning the Graduate Exhibition.
It shall consist of at least seven elected faculty members and one graduate student member of Graduate Council. The Associate Vice President for Research, and the Dean and Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School shall be ex officio members of this Committee.
- Consider recommendations from the report on the impact of COVID-19 on graduate research and
education. - Remainder of the agenda to be set by the Faculty Senate Committee on Research, Scholarship, and
Creative Activity.
- Consider recommendations from the report on the impact of COVID-19 on graduate research and
This committee meets jointly with the University Faculty Senate Committee on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. It may also meet separately as needed. It shall be responsible for and is authorized to select Subcommittees as needed for the following activities:
- Advise the Graduate Council on policies and procedures that affect graduate research.
- Foster graduate research at The Pennsylvania State University by aiding the Graduate Council in recognizing and rewarding outstanding graduate research performed by faculty and students of The Pennsylvania State University.
- Support efforts, at all University levels, to enhance the funding of graduate research.
- Support efforts to attract and retain excellent graduate students.
- Inform and advise the Graduate Council on issues and opportunities associated with industrial-academic-related research areas, particularly as they affect graduate research and graduate study.
- Recommend to the Graduate Council appropriate policies or actions on emerging political, budgetary, and academic issues related to graduate research.
It shall consist of at least six elected faculty members, and two elected graduate student members of Graduate Council, and five ex officio members: the Assistant/Associate Dean for Graduate Educational Equity and the Associate Dean for Graduate Student Affairs in the Graduate School, and one representative each from the Division of Student Affairs, the University Office of Global Programs, and the Office of Student Aid.
It shall be responsible for and is authorized to select Subcommittees as needed for the following activities:
- Review existing and proposed policies and make recommendations concerning the welfare and ethics of the Graduate Faculty and graduate students.
- Promote the intellectual development and social welfare of an inclusive graduate community by fostering an awareness and appreciation of cultural and social differences.
- Keep the Dean of the Graduate School apprised of issues of concern to graduate students.
- Assist the Dean of the Graduate School in the review of appeals concerning the violation of accepted norms of professional behavior of Graduate Faculty members and graduate students with authorization to review and make recommendations to the Dean when it is charged that individual rights have been violated and responsibilities unfulfilled.
- Student mental health. In addition, many concerns have been raised by colleges and programs about our ability to attend to graduate student mental health. Some questions include: Is this topic receiving proper attention? Is the grad ombudsperson program working? Would one ombudsperson/college be more effective? Are student mental health resources sufficient for the demand? We recommend that GSFI consider a broad investigation of this topic as a high priority for the 2023-24 agenda. We suggest an initial informational report, with recommendations for further action, be completed in the coming academic year.
- Faculty mentoring training. What, if any, mentoring training could be adopted or promoting to improve the ability of faculty to adapt to the expectations and norms of today’s grad students?
- Finish recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School on a parental and personal leave policy for graduate students (note that this is an administrative policy).
- Review GCAC-802 Procedures for Resolution of Problems, Section 4 (Other Situations).
- Policy: GCAC-802 Procedures for Resolution of Problems. Date of Last Review: 2007.
- Consider the financial situation for graduate students. What is the level of budgetary stress for graduate students at Penn State? Is there an increase in non-funded offers for graduate students? How has this been trending in recent years? Do we foresee problems? What are the implications for graduate student stipends?
- Review the state of and conduct strategic planning for career and professional services for graduate students.
The Committee shall consist of one Graduate Faculty representative from each academic college and school of the University that offers graduate programs, appointed by the dean or unit executive. The Dean, Associate Dean, and Director of Graduate Council Administration shall be ex officio members of this subcommittee.
It shall be responsible for and is authorized to select Subcommittees as needed for the following activities:
- review quality indicators of existing graduate programs.
- make recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School on those.
The Committee shall consist of:
- at least nine elected faculty members, one of whom serves as chair of the committee;
- one Graduate Faculty representative from each academic college and school of the University that offers graduate programs, appointed by the dean or unit executive, one of whom serves as vice chair of the committee. The appointed representatives also serve as consultative resources for curricular proposal development within their unit.
- one graduate student member of Graduate Council; and
- a non-voting faculty librarian from the University Libraries appointed by the Dean of the University Libraries. The University Libraries representative will a) review all graduate curricular changes and advise on the current availability and suitability of Libraries’ resources for the study of those subjects and b) proactively work with graduate programs to ensure that appropriate resources and services are available to support the ongoing evolution of the curriculum.
The Dean, Senior Associate Dean, Associate Dean, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services, and Director of Graduate Council Administration of the Graduate School shall be ex officio members of this committee.
The vice chair of the committee will be nominated by the Chair of Graduate Council, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee on Programs and Courses, and elected by the committee. The chair and vice chair of the committee will alternate presiding at committee meetings, on a schedule to be determined by themselves.
It shall be responsible for and is authorized to select Subcommittees as needed for the following activities:
- Suggest policy related to programs and courses.
- Review, evaluate, and approve or reject all graduate program and course proposals that have been submitted for curricular review.
- Review all requests for extended degree programs submitted through the established protocols of the University.
- Develop criteria for evaluating program and course proposals and recommend procedures for handling these proposals.
- Review and comment, in consultation with the Dean of the Graduate School, on other issues that have impact on the quality of graduate education.
It shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Secretary; the chairs of the Committees on Academic Standards, Committees and Procedures, Fellowships and Awards, Programs and Courses, Program Review and Evaluation, Graduate Research, Graduate Exhibition, and Graduate Student and Faculty Issues; the liaison member from the University Faculty Senate Council; the Dean and the Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School; plus at least three elected faculty members from the Graduate Council appointed by Graduate Council and one graduate student appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association from the elected graduate student members of Graduate Council. The Chair of Graduate Council chairs this committee.
- Provide advice and counsel as requested by the Chair.
Ad Hoc Committees
Develop academic policies concerning academic integrity for graduate students, for consideration by the Committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues and the Graduate Council.
In 2017, Penn State Executive Vice President and Provost Nick Jones created a task force to assess the current process and structure used to manage academic integrity cases and strengthen a culture of integrity. In Spring 2019, the Task Force made a number of recommendations to the Provost, including: establishing a central University Academic Integrity Office. However, while violations of academic integrity and appropriate sanctions for graduate education might look quite different than for undergraduate education, there is no clear set of standardized procedures currently in place specific to graduate education or outlined by the Task Force. The Academic Integrity policies, procedures, and sanctions at the University are designed for undergraduate students. The current policies and procedures do not work well for violations that occur in academic work outside of the classroom, such as in the Qualifying or Comprehensive Exams. In addition, many graduate students fill a unique role in relationship to academic integrity, since they serve as instructors of undergraduates in addition to being students themselves.
This charge might appropriately be given to the Graduate Council Committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues. However, GSFI has a full slate of agenda items for the 2019-20 academic year. In addition, creating an ad hoc committee would allow for appointing a wide range of committee members engaged in graduate education and/or academic integrity issues across the University.
Policies developed by the Ad Hoc Committee will be reviewed and voted on first by the Committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues. When GSFI has approved these policies to move forward, they will go to Graduate Council for final review and approval.
The committee will complete its work in the 2019-2020 academic year.
Esther Gomez, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Chair
Nominations for membership were solicited from members of the Advisory Committee for Graduate Education, which is made up of the associate deans for graduate education from all of the colleges that offer graduate programs. Student members were nominated by several associate deans and GPSA.
- Branden Elmore, Graduate Student in Higher Education
- Semih Eser, Professor of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- Karen Feldbaum, Interim Senior Director, Office of Student Conduct
- Lou Gattis, Clinical Professor, Faculty Director of Executive MBA Program, Smeal College of Business
- Esther Gomez, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
- Diane Henderson, Professor of Mathematics, Eberly College of Science
- Andrew High, Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
- Jason Kaye, Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, Chair of Ecology Intercollege Graduate Degree Program, College of Agricultural Sciences
- Lisa Kitko, Associate Professor, Josiah S. Macy Jr. Faculty Scholar, College of Nursing
- Wanda Knight, Associate Professor of Art Education
- Andrew Peck, Director of the College of the Liberal Arts Academic Integrity Office
- Brianne Pragg, Graduate Student in Sociology and Demography
- Joel Segel, Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Administration, College of Health and Human Development
- Srisharan Shreedharan, Graduate Student in Geosciences
- Eric Stein, Associate Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, Penn State Great Valley
- LaWanda Ward, Assistant Professor of Education
- Jan Reimann, Chair of Graduate Council, Ex Officio
Broadly review the state of, and opportunities for improving the state of, diversity, equity and inclusion in graduate education at Penn State. Report back to Graduate Council with information and recommended actions.
Current events emphasize that our society continues to struggle with issues such as systemic discrimination, unequal treatment of populations, and barriers to access to resources based on issues including but not limited to race, ethnicity, and gender. Graduate research and education can play an important role in improving diversity, equity and inclusion in our society. Graduates of our graduate degree programs are increasingly asked, when seeking positions beyond graduate school, to demonstrate their ability to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in their disciplines. Graduate students from underrepresented groups report feeling isolated or unwelcome. The time is ripe for Graduate Council to take a serious look at how Penn State can become a national leader in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in graduate research and education.
Initial discussions suggest that both the Graduate School and the Faculty Senate would be pleased to see the Graduate Council move ahead with actions in this area that would be specific to graduate education and research. The topic, while suited to the committee on Graduate Student and Faculty Issues (GSFI), is broad and would probably take over the entire committee agenda for the year. A special committee could focus entirely on this topic without slowing the current GSFI agenda.
This committee would be asked to identify topics worthy of further investigation, prioritize, and begin gathering information. Topics of interest include recruiting, retention, and training of graduate students and graduate faculty.
This committee is requested to report back periodically to the Graduate Council on their deliberations. Products could include:
- informational reports for the good of the Graduate community at Penn State;
- recommended changes to Graduate Council policies or the administration of those policies;
- recommended changes in Graduate School administrative policies;
- recommendations for topics to be addressed by Graduate Council standing committees.
Any recommendations developed by the Ad Hoc Committee will be brought to Graduate Council for additional consultation, review, approval and/or further action.
Stephanie Danette Preston, Associate Dean for Graduate Educational Equity, and Chief Diversity Officer for Graduate Education, The Graduate School
Mariya Tankimovich, Associate Teaching Professor of English, College of the Liberal Arts
- Suzanne Adair, Associate Vice President for Affirmative Action
- Nathanial Brown, Professor of Mathematics, Eberly College of Science
- Cierra Chandler, Graduate Student, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Black Graduate Student Association member
- Stephanie Danette Preston, Associate Dean for Graduate Educational Equity, and Chief Diversity Officer for Graduate Education, The Graduate School
- Matthew Fantle, Professor of Geosciences, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- Tom Hogan, Professor of Practice in Human Resource Management, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer, College of the Liberal Arts
- Miguel Mostafa, Professor of Physics and of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Eberly College of Science
- Brian Patchoski, Assistant Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Anirban Paul, Assistant Professor of Neural and Behavioral Sciences, College of Medicine
- Cynthia Reed, Assistant Director of Student Research and Graduate Equity, College of Engineering
- Suzy Scherf, Associate Professor of Psychology, College of the Liberal Arts
- Jose Soto, Associate Professor of Psychology, College of the Liberal Arts
- Jonte Taylor, Associate Professor of Special Education, College of Education
- Mariya Tankimovich, Associate Teaching Professor, Director of the D.N.P. Program, College of Nursing
- Jan Reimann, Chair of Graduate Council, Ex Officio
Identify common problems with either Graduate Council policies concerning graduate faculty status, or Graduate School administration of these policies, and recommend potential solutions for consideration by the Graduate Council and Graduate School.
Last year 11 of the 13 colleges or commonwealth campuses that the Chair visited in the Fall (of 17 total colleges and campuses with graduate programs) to discuss their concerns regarding graduate education and the direction of the Graduate Council raised concerns about graduate faculty status. The most common concern was the process of getting graduate faculty approved to teach graduate courses, including both the amount of work involved and restrictions imposed by Graduate School administration of Graduate Council policy. Concerns were also raised about uneven standards concerning the application of graduate faculty membership rules for tenure track vs. non-tenure track faculty. This topic was considered recently and extensively by the Academic Standards committee, and policies were modified within the last 5 years by the Graduate Council, but nevertheless this was the most common problem raised by the graduate leadership (Associate Deans, Grad Program Heads) of our units in discussions with the Chair last fall and spring.
The Graduate Council is being asked to create an ad hoc committee to investigate these problems further, identify, if possible, common problems, and suggest possible solutions. The committee is welcome to consider issues of both policy and administration of policy, with the understanding that the Graduate Council does not govern the administration of policy but is interested in all issues impacting graduate education, consistent with the Council Articles of Authority which state, “ultimate responsibility for all matters pertaining to graduate education and graduate research rests with the Graduate Faculty.”
This issue could be addressed by our Academic Standards committee, but the Chair suggests that 1) the Academic Standards Committee already has a full slate of issues to address this academic year and 2) the people who have raised the concerns about this issue are typically unit administrators who deal directly with how the policies are administered, and most Academic Standards members will not have this experience. Selecting a committee that includes those unit representatives who deal with this issue first-hand will help to evaluate whether or not common concerns exist, and what potential solutions can be proposed.
A brief report that articulates the problems encountered with the current system regarding Graduate Faculty status is requested. In addition, this committee could suggest solutions to these problems including: 1) recommended changes to Graduate Council policies concerning graduate faculty status, and; 2) recommended changes in the administration of current Graduate Council policies.
Any recommendations developed by the Ad Hoc Committee will be brought to Graduate Council for additional consultation, final review, and approval.
- Rick Brazier, Interim Dean and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, University College
- Bill Clark, Associate Dean, The Graduate School
- Andy Cole, Professor of Landscape Architecture, College of Arts and Architecture
- David Fusco, Associate Teaching Professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology
- Stuart Echols, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, College of Arts and Architecture
- Lisa Holden, Associate Professor of Dairy Science, College of Agricultural Science, University Faculty Senator
- Christine Kirchhoff, Associate Professor of Law, Policy, and Engineering, College of Engineering
- Karyn Marvasti McKinney, Associate Professor of Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Penn State Altoona, University Faculty Senator
- Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor, Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of the Liberal Arts
- Christopher Witko, Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, College of the Liberal Arts
- Michael Verderame, Senior Associate Dean, The Graduate School
- Kent Vrana, Professor of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University Faculty Senate Liaison to the Graduate Council
- Jan Reimann, Chair of Graduate Council, Ex Officio
Review the initial proposed college/school-specific qualifications for nomination to the Graduate Faculty and Approval to Teach by non-members of the Graduate Faculty as submitted by each college/school Graduate Faculty Nomination Evaluation Committee (GFNEC).
The Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Faculty Status proposed revisions to GCAC-101 Graduate Faculty Membership that were approved by Graduate Council in Spring 2022. In part, these revisions stipulate that Graduate Faculty Nomination Evaluation Committee (GFNEC) shall create college/school-specific Graduate Faculty membership qualifications that interpret the general guidelines provided in the policy. Under GCAC-101, these proposed qualifications would typically be submitted to the Committee on Academic Standards and the Dean of the Graduate School for approval. Given a number of pressing issues currently under consideration by the Committee on Academic Standards and the anticipated workload of the initial round of review, the Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Faculty Status recommended that Council consider forming an additional ad hoc committee to focus solely on the review and approval of the proposed college/school-specific qualifications.
A report of recommended qualifications for Graduate Faculty nominations and Approval to Teach for each college/school offering graduate programs is requested. Recommendations developed by the Ad Hoc Committee will be brought to the Graduate Council and the Dean of the Graduate School for final review and approval.
The committee will begin to solicit GFNEC qualifications in Fall 2022 and expects to complete the majority of review by the end of Spring 2023. Any remaining proposals which have not been approved by Spring are expected to be completed by the end of the 2023 calendar year at which point the on-going work would transition to the Committee on Academic Standards.
The Chair proposes that this committee includes at least two past or present members of Graduate Council, preferably members who have experience with the Academic Standards committee, a representative from the Graduate School, and a Graduate Faculty representative from each college/school, to be nominated by the Associate Deans of Graduate Education. The Chair, working with the Chair-Elect and the Graduate School, will solicit committee membership nominations and propose the membership to Council for approval.
- Barbara Birriel, Assistant Research Professor, College of Nursing
- Darrell Cockburn, Assistant Professor of Food Science, College of Agricultural Sciences
- Andy Cole, Professor of Landscape Architecture, College of Arts and Architecture
- James Dillard, Distinguished Professor of Communications Arts and Sciences, College of the Liberal Arts
- Stuart Echols, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, College of Arts and Architecture
- Charles Geier, Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Health and Human Development
- Daning Huang, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering
- Don Hummer, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Penn State Harrisburg
- Carol LaRegina, Senior Instructor in Public Health Sciences, College of Medicine
- Hong Ma, Professor of Biology, Eberly College of Science
- Meg Meloy, David H. McKinley Professor of Business Administration, Smeal College of Business
- Ray Najjar, Professor of Oceanography, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- William Rothwell, Professor of Workforce Education, College of Education
- Sagnika Sen, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Penn State Great Valley
- Heather Shoenberger, Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications
- Michael Verderame, Senior Associate Dean, The Graduate School
- Jan Reimann, Chair of the Graduate Council, Ex Officio
Develop and implement a multi-faceted strategy that engages with central administration, shared governance bodies, and other partners both internal and external to the University to protect and advance the critical role of graduate education in defining a successful Penn State. The committee will advocate for graduate education as an institutional pillar necessary to the overall health of the University and press for its inclusion in any discussions related to the broad planning of the University’s future in light of current budget realities and challenges in the higher education landscape.
In May 2023, in response to the University’s announcement of a new budget model and a subsequent Council discussion with the University Budget Allocation Working Group, an ad hoc committee was formed to address concerns regarding the budget model’s potential impact to graduate education, creative accomplishment, and research. This ad hoc committee advocated for open and inclusive engagement in discussions of the budget model while surveying all graduate program leaders across the University, meeting with a wide variety of stakeholders, and gathering data from other institutions. The Ad Hoc Committee on the University Budget Model presented their findings along with points of concern about and recommendations for modifications to the University budget model at the September 2023 meeting of the Graduate Council which was subsequently endorse through a vote of Council in October 2023. The endorsed points of concern and recommendations have been shared broadly with all members of the Graduate Faculty, the University Faculty Senate, the University Budget Allocation Working Group, and the President. As of January 2023, the University Budget Allocation Working Group has been disbanded and there has been no official response from University administration regarding the points of concern and recommendations.
On January 22, 2024, University administration shared Penn State’s road map for the University’s future along with an announcement of a comprehensive review of all academic programs, including undergraduate and graduate majors and minors offered at all campuses. The Ad Hoc Committee on the University Budget model began discussing the announced review in its relation to the budget. It was quickly recognized however that a full academic program review potentially goes beyond budgetary matters and is part of a broader concern about the focus of the University, historical lack of transparency, and exclusion of graduate education in institutional decision making. The Executive Committee was called to discuss approaches to addressing these issues and partnership opportunities with the Faculty Senate and other stakeholders.
The formation of a new ad hoc committee with an expanded scope to examine these broad issues was encouraged by the Executive Committee to ensure prompt and vigorous engagement in this issue as soon as possible given the urgency of the topic.
The Ad Hoc Committee will attempt to engage with central administration and other stakeholders on topics related to the administration’s road map for the future of the University. The committee will also develop a strategic communication plan to disseminate information to graduate education constituencies on the potential impact of changes and promote open discussion highlighting the importance of graduate education at Penn State. Periodic reports on the nature of discussions will be provided to the Council with any formalized or final recommendations presented to the Council for review.
The committee will continue its work until the concerns raised above have been addressed, are no longer relevant, or the work of the ad hoc committee has been encompassed by the standing committees of the Council.
- Kenneth Davis, Professor of Meteorology, Immediate Past Chair of Graduate Council, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- David Vanness, Professor of Health Policy and Administration, College of Health and Human Development
- Robert Bannon, Director of Graduate Council Administration, Secretary of the Graduate Council
- Kathryn Brasier, Professor of Rural Sociology, College of Agricultural Sciences
- Andy Cole, Professor of Landscape Architecture, College of Arts and Architecture
- Edward Dudley, Professor of Food Science, College of Agricultural Sciences
- John Flanagan, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine
- Renee Flasher, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Capital College
- Matthew Fantle, Professor of Geosciences, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- Charlene Gross, Associate Professor of Costume Design, Chair of the Senate Committee on Faculty Affairs
- Gabriel Lara, Graduate Student, Graduate and Professional Student Association
- Dana Mitra, Professor of Education, College of Education
- Amber O'Shea, Assistant Professor of Education, College of Education
- Anirban Paul, Assistant Professor, Neural and Behavioral Sciences, College of Medicine
- Ayah Rub, Graduate Student, Graduate and Professional Student Association
- Michael Verderame, Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School
- Michelle Vigeant-Haas, Associate Professor of Acoustics, College of Engineering
- Kent Vrana, Professor of Pharmacology, University Faculty Senate Liaison
- Josh Wede, Teaching Professor of Psychology, Chair-Elect of the Faculty Senate
- Jan Reimann, Chair of Graduate Council, Ex Officio